Thursday, June 5, 2014

Eddie Harwood files formal misconduct complaint against Drew Reisinger, Holly Jones and Brownie Newman.


My name is Eddie Harwood and I live in Barnardsville.

I’d like to bring before this board a formal misconduct complaint against the Buncombe County Register of Deeds, Drew Reisinger.

On February 12 of this year, the Register of Deeds closed that office at approximately lunchtime, and again on February 13 for a full day due to inclement weather.  

As a former Buncombe County employee and lifelong resident, I have never known only one office to close.

When inquiring about this, I understand that Mr. Reisinger took this action on his own, violating County policy and breaking North Carolina General Stature 161-8 “Attendance at Office.”

What this action did was take away the option of his employees to work and not use valuable vacation time or not get paidAll other County employees DID have to work.  If the tax office and DSS can open, so can the Register of Deeds.

This created an inequity with all 1,400 Buncombe County employees and requires compensation.  To right this wrong, it will cost Buncombe County Taxpayers between one-half and 1 Million dollars !!!!

I further understand that YOU, the Buncombe County Commissioners knew about this after the fact yet haven’t taken steps to address or take action, all at the dismay of employees who work for this county.

You all should be ashamed for not dealing with Mr. Reisinger, who by the way, was posted all over Facebook sledding with his friends while other County employees were working.

Additionally, I have a misconduct complaint against Commissioner Holly Jones for not recusing herself from voting on the County budget that included funds for the YWCA, for which she is a paid employee and has insight into the direction of these funds.  This action is in violation of North Carolina General Stature 14-234 and is unethical and self dealing.  

What we as citizens of Buncombe County see is a pattern of self dealing.  During his time on Asheville City Council, Brownie Newman, voted for funds for the company he works for, FLS Energy.  Even though he hasn’t done this with the County yet, it is an upsetting pattern that must not be tolerated.

Wrong is Wrong, and elected officials should be held to a high standard.  It’s about fairness for All, not just a select few.

Thank you for your time.

These complaints will be filed with additional agencies as listed on the information that I would like to present to you Mr. Chairman.